Research centre

Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

Robotic sensors packing products on a production line

We apply advanced mathematical and analytical modelling to help people and businesses make better decisions. We’re one of the largest groups of our kind in the UK.

Our expert researchers join forces from across mathematical sciences, health sciences and the Southampton Business School. We have strong links with industry and work with organisations including Boeing Defence UK, Ford, JP Morgan and Rolls Royce. Operational research and statistics at Southampton ranks 48th in the World and 6th in the UK (QS World Rankings by Subject 2024).

Our industry-led dissertation projects give students valuable experiential learning opportunities, enabling them to apply what they have learnt in their MSc to provide real impact on businesses.
CORMSIS director

Discovering how to save cardiac patients' lives with deep learning

University mathematics expert Alain Zemkoho had worked on optimising decisions in areas such as transport. PhD supervision led to him and his team developing a way cardiologists can use hours, not seconds, of data provided by heart activity tests.

Revolutionising access to dental care in Sri Lanka

A dentistry simulation model led by Southampton has directly influenced government policy to improve dental outcomes and stabilise the country's dentistry sector.

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